Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Dont touch this Clay

     Basil Karlo was an actor who went mad after he discovered that a movie he stared in was being remade with a different actor.He dressed as the movie's monster and killed many of the actors.In later comics there were new shape shifters called Clay Face Basil stole there blood and became a giant clay monster.

Monday, January 27, 2014

Chill out

  Dr.Victor Fries was a brilliant scientist but when his wife was infected by an incurable illness he worked tirelessly to cure her and froze her to keep her alive.But in a accidents at the lab he was only able to live in an sub zero environment.He uses a freeze gun to help carry out bank hist to found his research.All tho an enemy of Batman he teams up with him many times.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

A Rose With Thorns

    Pamela Isley was a brilliant mind...before she was injected by a plant serium.She wanted to turn Gotham into a jungle with deadly spores,plant and animal hybrids,and the classic giant mutated Venus Flytrap.Although smart and persistent she is not good in a fist fight.She is a normal patient in Arkham Asylum but she always enjoys a good plant based escape.

Arkham World

WARNING:This video contanes scenes with blood,weapons,maniacs,and Bats fighting Clowns